Portrait of the author running and waving at the camera with his right hand. There are trees in the background.

Tyler Hou 太乐侯 侯诚乐


I am a fourth-year undergrad at UC Berkeley majoring in Mathematics & Computer Science. At Berkeley, I work with Max Willsey on term rewriting systems for program optimization. I am also affiliated with Hydro, a project in the Sky Computing Lab. I am interested in programming languages, type theory, compilers, and performance optimization.

Before starting college, I worked at Google (full-time) on search performance, hardware accelerators, and Arm servers. More recently, I interned at Jane Street, where I modified the OCaml Flambda backend to apply tail-call optimization more precisely.

I was a TA at JamCoders, a free summer camp that teaches introductory algorithms and computer science to Jamaican high schoolers. At Berkeley, I have been on course staff for CS 170 [Algorithms] in Spring 2022 and CS 61A [Intro to CS] in Spring 2023. For Fall 2024, I am a TA for CS 164 [PL ∧ Compilers]. I will TA for CS 164 again in Spring 2025.

I plan to apply to PhD programs in programming languages for the 2026-2027 cycle.


Towards Relational Contextual Equality Saturation[draft]
Tyler Hou, Shadaj Laddad, Joseph M. Hellerstein
EGRAPHS 2024 (workshop)
Optimizing Stateful Dataflow with Local Rewrites
Shadaj Laddad, Conor Power, Tyler Hou, Alvin Cheung, Joseph M. Hellerstein
EGRAPHS 2023 (workshop)


BA in Mathematics & Computer Science
· University of California, Berkeley
Classical Diploma
· Phillips Exeter Academy


Jane Street, Software Engineer Intern
summer  · New York, NY
Discord, Software Engineer Intern
summer  · San Francisco, CA
Google, Software Engineer
· San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Design & Acknowledgements

The design for this website took inspiration from Slim Lim, Ink & Switch, and Mae Milano. The body typeface is Garamond Premier Pro, and titles use its display variant—I started using Garamond after admiring how my Horace textbook was typeset. The sans-serif typeface is Futura PT, the monospace is Inconsolata, the Chinese characters are typeset in Adobe Kaiti, and the icons are from Font Awesome. This website is rendered ahead-of-time with Astro, using MathJax to typeset and Shiki to syntax highlight code. The color scheme is based on Solarized Light.